Making Multicultural Australia


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View Audios by Author - L
  Leibler, Mark
Race Hatred Legislation
Mark Leibler, Community activist, Melbourne Jewish community, talks on the increasing tide of racism and anti-Semitism in Australia.
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 34 secs | Date Added: 19 July 2002 | | LISTEN |
  Lippmann, Walter
Diverse sources of population in settled Australia
Walter Lippmann speaks on the diverse sources of population in settled Australia to the Jewish community.
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 26 secs | Date Added: 21 June 2002 | | LISTEN |
  Lippmann, Walter
The Quiet Revolution
Walter Lippmann gives his definition of a multicultural society.
Format: mov | Size: | Length: 57 secs | Date Added: 16 July 2002 | | LISTEN |